Archive for Januar 2013

Jessie Ware – If You’re Never Gonna Move

Januar 24, 2013

I listened to and watched this for the first time this morning just past 5 o’clock and I totally fell in love with the singer, her voice, the tune, the video, even the car she drives away with at the end (not the guy though). The song and video are both kitschy in a romantic kind of way, her mellifluous whisper is sexy and clean at the same time, there is so much wrong about this song and especially about the video but they both still work for me.

Wilko Johnson

Januar 10, 2013

Erinnert sich noch jemand an den ehemaligen Gitarristen von Dr. Feelgood, einer englischen Rhythm & Blues-Band der Siebziger, die ihre beste Zeit vor dem Punk hatte, wenn man mal ganz ehrlich ist, dann waren sie eigentlich Punk bevor es Punk überhaupt gab. Damals nannte man das dann Pubrock, auch kein Genrename, der unbedingt Lust auf die Musik macht, die er bezeichnet. Wilko Johnson hat unheilbaren Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs und hat sich entschieden, keine Chemotherapie erhalten zu wollen und stattdessen zu touren und seine Gitarre so lange nicht aus der Hand zu geben bis er nicht mehr kann. Ein wahrer Punk eben. Hier spielt er ein göttliches Riff in seinem unnachahmlichen stakkatohaften Stil mit roboterhafter Motorik und es wird dazu Beat getanzt. Da möchte man fast sagen „Beam me back, Scottie“. Oh Mist, falsches Filmzitat.

Low 2013

Januar 9, 2013

Low, the best band from Duluth, Minnesota and already for quite a while my favourite live band (they will play the Zoom Club in Frankfurt/M. on May, 10th) have a new album out on March, 19th. It’s called The Invisible Way (produced by Jeff Tweedy, Dave Fridmann and Steve Albini among others) and the first song they put online is rather promising. It has this typical warm and soothing Low sound, rich vocal harmonies by Mimi and a melody which makes my heart melt. How do they succeed in making still such inspired music which is so simple and straight but has this strong spiritual feeling? I think one of their secrets is the slowness. Not only of the music itself but also of their releasing speed. In twenty years they have put out just ten albums. Not one too many. The song is called Just Make it Stop and can be streamed or downloaded here. Plastic Cup, a great duet of Alan and Mimi with acoustic guitar and piano can be streamed here (there is a small audio ad before).